A Live vs Recorded Session Exclusive at this years UK Audio Show

The Audio Consultants at the UK Audio Show 2023
Another unique and exclusive attraction at this year’s UK Audio Show, a joint venture with The Audio Consultants and Damon Sawyer, a top recording engineer at Crescent Records.
After the success of their previous recording sessions in collaboration with Crescent Records, they will be repeating the format at this year’s UK Audio Show at Staverton.
Visitors will be able to see and hear a live recording take place in the Cedar Suite and then witness how recording engineer Damon Sawyer mixes and masters that recording. A rapid balance and mix will be burned to a CD-R, which will then be played back in the same Cedar Suite using a high-end audio system set up by The Audio Consultants. Visitors will be able to judge how close the recording can get to the experience of the live musicians.
Something that has never been attempted before at a UK Audio Show.
This will be a ticketed event - more details to follow.
You don't want to miss this.