UK Audio Show

UK Audio Show
Staverton Park Hotel

Saturday 7th October 2023
10:00am – 6:00pm

Sunday 8th October 2023
10:00am – 4:00pm

Charles Kirmuss of Kirmuss Audio takes to the floor

Charles Kirmuss of Kirmuss Audio takes to the floor


We are very pleased to announce that the very entertaining Charles Kirmuss of Kirmuss Audio will once again be taking to the floor in our events suite.
“Cavitation with record ionization, the Real Deal”. Myths surrounding record cleaning methods revealed will be the topic of the day.
Charles Kirmuss from Denver, Colorado who is globally recognized to have made a significant impact in the way we care of our prized vinyl for custodian, collectors and music lovers alike, will travel to our event. Record groove restoration is not record cleaning or surface shining. In a refreshing open forum format style, questions throughout the session will be encouraged. Indeed, records are precious. Discover how records are made and as such, how to improve your auditory analog experience. A must attend session for any record lover!
At the Kirmuss booth, bring a problematic record from home, see record groove restoration in action with before and after auditioning and testing.

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