Fantastic Feedback from the UK Audio Show 2022!

We love receiving your wonderful comments about the quality of our shows! Here are some from happy exhibitors and visitors.
"A big thanks to the organisers and visitors who made this year's show so great! We're looking forward to the next one!" John Standen, Emilen Audio
"Thank you for putting on another wonderful show. My husband and I think that this is the best show to attend for quality audio in a great setting. I did speak to you at the show but wanted to put on record how much we appreciate your efforts." Hina Simons, Visitor
"Sending thanks to you, your colleagues and the exhibitors. Staverton was my first show, and I'll be back next year, but with deeper pockets!" Julian Cresswell, Visitor
"That was a great show, thanks very much! I'd never been to an audio show before. I was really impressed by the Bayz, Kudos and ProAc speakers, to name a few." Paul G, Visitor
"Thank you for the show. It was another great success, which I really enjoyed. Some of the exhibitors are beginning to know me by name now!" Cliff Webb, Visitor
"Last year, your show at Staverton was an incredible return to form and simply outstanding. My friends and I still talk about it fondly. We thoroughly enjoyed this year's even bigger show. Well done!" Andrew Burton, Visitor.